Oil Pan Skid Plate Armor Installation Guide

Oil Pan Skid Plate Armor Installation Guide

  1. Begin by preparing and cleaning both mating surfaces, the oil pan skid plate, and the bottom of the oil pan. Sand the bottom of the oil pan down to bare metal with 36-40 grit sandpaper, and make sure there is no residue or dust left by wiping both surfaces with a wax and grease remover.
  2. Apply the epoxy to the skid plate, leaving a one-inch margin around the edge of the plate. If Epoxy is too difficult to push out through mix tube, you may empty contents onto the plate, and mix by hand.
  1. Next, stick the skid plate to the bottom of the oil pan, and then use a jack to apply pressure and let set up for at least one hour.
  1. Once installed and dried, you may take an RTV type sealant and make a bead sealing out debris from between the skid plate and oil pan.